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Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) protects survivors of domestic violence, 约会暴力, 跟踪, 性侵犯, 以及人口贩卖 living in subsidized shelter or housing from being discriminated against because of their victimization. Survivors will be protected regardless of their sex, 性别认同, or sexual orientation.

If you are in a dangerous situation and need to move for your safety, staff in your housing program will assist you by initiating an 紧急转移.

VAWA can help you find safe housing.


You cannot be denied admission to housing programs

because you are or have been a victim.

You cannot be denied admission, removed from your housing program, or evicted

based on reasons related to the violence such as a criminal record or bad credit history.

You are ensured to be safe and not lose your housing

because of the violence committed against you. You will be granted assistance with moving and other options.

Am I Protected by VAWA?

Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) provides housing protections for survivors - people who have experienced domestic violence, 性侵犯, 约会暴力, 跟踪, 以及人口贩卖.

VAWA protects survivors regardless of their sex, 性别认同, or sexual orientation.

You do not have to be married to, related to, or living with the perpetrator to be protected by VAWA.

VAWA applies to you if you are applying for, 或者住在, shelter or housing from any of the following housing programs

  • Project-Based Supportive Housing
  • Scattered-Site Supportive Housing
  • Tenant-Based Supportive Housing
  • Tenant-Based Shallow Subsidy
  • 快速双规计划
  • 应急避难所
  • 项目房间钥匙
  • 主机屋
  • 桥壳
  • 安全停车

How do I request an emergency transfer?

Overview of 紧急转移 Process

Resources for Survivors


A resource hub for victims of Domestic Violence offering service locations, 电话号码, 和城市倡议

Domestic Violence Resources

Provides a list for several of the most comprehensive 约会暴力和 Domestic Violence Agency programs in LA

Survivor 跟踪 Resources

Information relating to 跟踪, 报告的指导, tracking 跟踪 behavior, 培训材料

Human Trafficking Resources

Resources to provide general information regarding human trafficking, 直接的服务, 和洛杉矶的转介

Transfer Request Form (多语言)

Request an emergency transfer and certify eligiblity requirements under VAWA


Available VAWA protections for applicants, 租户, and program participants in 现金娱乐网注册 funded programs


Housing rights for VAWA victims enrolled in a 现金娱乐网注册 funded program

Resources for Providers

Interim 紧急转移 Plan (IETP)

This plan is to ensure that Program Participants/Tenants who are Victims of Domestic Violence, 性侵犯, 约会暴力, 跟踪, and Human Trafficking in 现金娱乐网注册’s Covered Programs can maintain safe, 稳定的, and affordable housing

Release of Information

Authorization form to voluntarily release information rights and aknowledgements to certain individuals or groups


VAWA and State laws offer protection from discrimination in accessing and maintaining federally assisted housing because of violence committed against survivors

现金娱乐网注册 Multilingual System
& Programmatic 文档

In an effort to ensure LA’s diverse population has access to important information as it relates to the Coordinated Entry System and 现金娱乐网注册’s programs, 现金娱乐网注册 offers translated documents


Find easy to understand answers to ten of the most commonly asked questions


的 Violence Against Women Act protects survivors regardless of their sex, 性别认同, or sexual orientation.